Saturday 21 March 2015

Everyday Skincare tips

As you are all aware our skin is the largest organ of our body. It is also reflective of our age, health and vitality.   Therefore, we should not neglect to take good care of our skin.

Here are some general skincare tips

1.     Drink lots of water as according to the general recommendation dosage of minimum 8 glasses a day. Drinking plain water or non sugarated fluids help flush out our bodies toxins and help our skin retains its plasticity.

2.     Get sufficient sun exposure for Vitamin D and regular exercise. Vitamin D has a lot of beneficial health effects and exercising allows us to perspire, which is a skin detoxification process.

3.      Wear adequate sunscreen on your face and other exposed areas when in contact with direct sunlight to protect yourself from harmful UVA and UVB’s. SPF 35 +++is the usual recommended protection.

4.     If you apply makeup regularly, make sure you cleanse your makeup off properly.

5.     Invest in a good cleanser and facial toner to maintain a healthy skin PH balance.

6.     Moisturize, your face, arms and legs regularly.

7.     If you have clogged pores or highly sensitive skin you may want to see a dermatologist to recommend special formulated products.

8.     Regular facials are helpful but optional.

Last but not least try to catch sufficient sleep of minimally 7 -8 hours daily.

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