Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Tips on how to prepare for your first interview

Understanding the interview process

Depending on the industry and the nature of the job, interviewers always have a list of generic questions that they tend to ask.

1.      Tell me about yourself
2.     What are your strengths and weaknesses
3.      Describe a past challenge
4.      Describe a past crisis you once experienced
5.      Why should we hire you
6.       How would you describe your academic standing relative to your peers
7.      Tell me about your education history
8.      I see your past educational degree is in an area which is completely  unrelated     to the  industry that job you are currently applying for can you explain why you
are interested in applying for this position since your experience is completely in an unrelated field?

It is important to understand that a lot of these questions are asked at random and are generic. Most of the time what employers are hoping to achieve out of asking these questions are merely
to see how composed a candidate is and how well they are able to communicate and keep calm.
 Understanding this is important as very often candidates who do not figure this out tend to blow    their cool and take things personally showing a lot of emotion during the interview process
 putting themselves at a disadvantage.

There is no right or wrong answer its just how you convey the answer, the thought process behind it and how effectively you communicate it across to your potential interviewers that would determine how successful you are.

Ultimately, while you are eager to land your first job, do not be afraid to ask genuine questions  about career potential etc. Many employers look out for this in candidates as it is a sign that this candidate isn’t blindly signing up for something cause he is desperate for a job but rather he is genuinely interested in paving a career out of this and therefore wants to know what hes getting himself into in the long run.

Last but not least, be confident and be yourself.

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